To Feel or Not to Feel, that is the Question?

It is heart month, do something good for your heart. Let it feel. I don’t know about you, but music conjures up all sorts of feelings for me and it has since I can remember. When I was a young teen, my bf and I had a few songs that we would intentionally listen to if we needed a good cry. I don’t recall talking about our feelings, but we simply just wanted to cry…. we have to let it out at times, don’t we? My music choice usually reflects my mood. If I am all disordered and stoic, I would listen to music that got me motivated and out of a feeling place. My music choices would help me to block out the bad so to speak. I still have some songs like that, but rather than feeling like they help me to block out life, now I feel like they just remind me of a really tough time in my life and they help me to say yes, I relate to all that. The other day, I was being pushed out of my comfort zone at work and I needed some music to soothe my spirit. I was not near Alexa, s...