Knowing our Limits but Pushing Right Up to Them
The sky is not the limit
Maybe just maybe, you want to
look differently. Maybe you want to lose weight. But what if you are right
where you need to be? Maybe your body
was not meant to be 5’8’’, xxx pounds. This blog is not about weight but it is
about goals and limitations. I see so
many people out there wanting to lose weight or look a certain way; that is not
meant for them anymore than me running like Shalane Flanagan. Do you know that your body and you are
special? It does not wish to look like
Anna down the street. It wants to be you. Enough about that.
I have thought many times the
last few years about my own limits…. Running limits, emotional limits, physical
limits, mental limits, energy limits, patience limits, time limits. Life
limits….I want to spend the rest of my life living it well, living it better
while meeting a few goals. I want to be able to accept my limits and take joy
from the things that matter. Here is what I mean; I want to take joy from
running right now even though I am really slow compared to 2018-2019. It is
honestly hard to do that some days.
My limits have been tested
repeatedly and the more I come to know my individual limits and not futilely compare
them to others, the better off I am. For example, I have always needed a lot of
sleep. I don’t really like that fact and the more I try and fight it off, the more
miserable I am. I was made this way. So, what do I do? I am now honoring it. If you
are trying to live and look like some other body, stop fighting it. Honor it. Honor
the person God made you to be.
I feel like to living joyfully
and peacefully, we really need to be honest with ourselves. We must have an idea of what we are capable
of to be able to make the most of ourselves… I want to become the best me and
not spend time on things that are not for me. Having some goals keeps us
striving forward but if we have unrealistic goals (because we don’t truly know
our limits), I believe we are fooling ourselves.
The messaging in the world is
wrong. NO, we cannot all do anything or achieve anything we want. There are
limits to animals, humans, men and women, children etc. And of course, we each have God-given talents
and gifts….that is what makes us each special. Just because I want or wish to
be or do something and put all the work in, does not make it possible. We must have some talent/gift and we usually must
work toward it to make it happen. I would love to only need 6 hours of sleep a
night. I need 10 or more. It makes getting stuff done difficult! I can work around it but I cannot change it.
It is a limit. I would also like to be 5’7’’. Also, not going to happen. Those facts may seem obvious but they make the point. We have to know what we can do and what we are capable of.
My body is limited too but I was
able to push it to a limit and meet a goal. It is also okay that my body is
limited. Back when my doctor said that I needed to quit marathons, I did
not know how I could mentally do it, but I promised to do that after
Boston. So far, it has been easy. I am not
tempted to run 26.2 anytime soon😊. I have been handed a new purpose and I do
not miss what I was once very attached to, because I reached my goal and I also
accepted my limited body and talent. How did I know?.....because I pushed it as far as I could and I knew the limit when I reached is only my limit. It belongs to me.
I know my mental and emotional
limits much better. Recovery forces you to have boundaries and know your limits.
When you lose a coping mechanism, recovery becomes nearly impossible without
boundaries. You need them to “harness the good and block out the bad” as Gary
Potter said in Happy Gilmore. If I were to allow myself to be pushed beyond any
limit, here comes anorexia. I have limits. It is okay. Self-awareness. Grace.
Gratitude. Prevail. Very honestly, it is like I sit in the middle of a teeter
totter and my boundaries help me stay in the middle and balanced and not plummeting
to the bottom.
All of that mixed in with some
good objective, rational thought about what we can do, what we cannot do, and
if we should do it and why, can be life changing for anyone.
It all goes back to that saying about leaning your ladder against the wrong wall. When it comes to my life, I think that my ladder is now up against the right wall. If it had stayed on my past wall, a lot of things may have turned out differently. If I had not listened to my doctor, I don’t think I would be climbing any ladders at all.
Once I started
listening to the prophets around me and understood my goals within the context
of my limits, life changed. Give it a try. People can help you (probably my
biggest learning in life).
This reminds me of a story, people have been telling me all my life to stop pushing on the thin parts of the icy lake because it might break...I always had to test it. I had a lot of soaking feet and skates in my childhood. Maybe I am finally learning....although I did put my foot in large icy puddle about a year ago on a very wonderful hike...up until that point.
Know yourself and set those behemoth and bodacious goals. How do you know? Only you know, it will be deep in your soul, striking least that is what I feel.
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