
Showing posts from March, 2023

The Marvelous Emotional and Physical Connection- I'm Challenged by the Tension Between my Heart and Brain

  There seems to be a constant battle between what my heart and emotions desire and what my brain and body says are needed. I see it as a disconnection or short circuit (anorexia diagnosis) in my emotional and physical connection. I constantly willfully choose to ignore what my body wants or needs. It is eating disorder 101 and because I am so advanced in it, it still lingers even this far into recovery. I suppose all of us do this to some degree with something. Yesterday, I posted a rather fun for me to write blog about my hip replacement. This one is more honest and vulnerable because there is more to the story than meets the eye and I have come to the point of wanting to share the difficult or dark-belly-of-the-fish stuff (you know the nasty part that is gross looking) for some unfathomable reason. It just might be to keep myself accountable, I am not sure.    In May 2017, after being sidelined from running for four months after major ankle surgery I went all in on recovery and

Hip Replacements-What You Need to Know and What your Doctor Doesn’t Know

  Your doctor will likely tell you that you will swell and have pain. But, is he or she going to tell you that it will hurt to pull up even your underwear after surgery unless they are really big and stretchy? Will he or she tell you that even the loosest pants still may not fit over your giant thigh after surgery?  Keep in mind that often you will go to physical therapy within a day or two after surgery so ladies a dress is out of the question… to find you some big shorts girlfriend. The answer is your doctor is not likely to share these things unless you have a very close personal relationship with your surgeon.   Most times, you are fortunate if your surgeon or their team reminds you to take a stool softener several days before surgery (no knock on them, I just have had enough surgeries to tell you that it is a rare thing for them to suggest).   Don’t get me wrong, I had a fabulous surgeon and experience, and they prepared me well, but I did learn some hip things that I want