Positive Thoughts on Holidays, Food, Loss, and Regret
This blog has been simmering for a while. My twisty thoughts have been taking longer than usual to unravel. You might guess that by that mambo-sized title….how will I ever wrap all that into one blog and make it positive? I am not sure but I do know this, I always do my best to listen to my heart and do what my gut says because I hate regret and I try to avoid it at all costs….more on that later….I hope! So, here goes! My last blog was pre-Boston, which is almost two months ago. I have packed lot of life into a few weeks......two birthdays, all of Thanksgiving and Christmas tradition. I have cared for and planned for it all and it has been wonderful. I have either been in high gear getting things done or just the opposite, which is a completely unproductive and melted-mind state. By the way, unproductive is perfectly okay, healthy, and good to do, which is hard to see unless you have a healthy mental state. Now that my busy personal ti...